Microwave Radio Technician (MRT)

Microwave Radio Technician (MRT)

Microwave radio still plays a major role in radio and data transmission systems. Wireless carriers continue to deploy microwave systems for data backhaul, and with the advancement of LTE for public safety, the need for microwave communications continues to grow. This certification includes basic knowledge concepts technicians need to know to install, align, maintain, and operate point-to-point microwave radio systems. Prior experience with radio systems and equipment is suggested. This includes core concepts of radio frequency (RF) energy, including how to identify it and safety requirements when working in an RF environment.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

MRT Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification: Stand-Alone
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours