Apprentice (APP)


Apprentice (APP)

The telecommunication Apprentice certification program (APP) is designed to only measure the knowledge of basic direct and alternating current theory, as well as basic technical mathematics necessary to begin a training program in this field. Knowledge of cabling, power supplies, test equipment, as well as safety are also measured. This program is primarily targeted toward those who wish to pursue a technical career in the telecommunications industry and want to demonstrate their ability and knowledge to benefit from an in-company or company sponsored technical training program. (This exam does not replace the Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa) certification.)

Additional Information

APP Exam Info

Price: $60
Type of Certification: N/A
Maintenance Required: No
Certification Term: 3 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours