Student Electronics Technician (SET)


Student Electronics Technician (SET)

FREE Basic Electronics Practice Exam!The Student Electronics Technician certification is aimed for high school students. It allows high school students and entry level technicians, with minimal training, the opportunity to earn a basic beginners certification. The examination covers a variety of topics including: electrical theory; electronic components; soldering-desoldering and tools; block diagrams-schematics-wiring diagrams; cabling; power supplies; test equipment and measurements; safety precautions; mathematics and formulas; electronic circuits; series and parallel; amplifiers; interfacing of electronics products, digital concepts and circuitry; computer electronics; computer applications; audio & video systems; optical electronics; basic telecommunications; and technician work procedures.

NOCTI LogoThrough a partnership with ETA, the Student Electronics Technician is also available through NOCTI. Please visit for information on taking the SET as well as costs for the exam and optional hands-on component.

Additional Information

SET Exam Info

Price: $30
Type of Certification: N/A
Maintenance Required: No
Certification Term: 2 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 100
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours